Desmos Wiki (Unofficial)

How to make a List with more than 10000 Elements

Disclaimer: There is a chance that none of these will work #

First things first, all of these solutions are quite clunky and are by no means perfect. There is no absolutely foolproof way to get more than 10000 elements in a list.

Use a list of points #

If you store a list of points, you can effectively store 20000 numbers in a single list.

Pack multiple numbers into one number #

If you don't need the full precision of the numbers offered by desmos (64-bit floating point numbers), you can relatively easily pack multiple numbers into each number. Let's say you want to store two numbers and — both of which are integers from 0 to 999— in a Desmos number . We can represent as follows:

Then to extract and , we can do the following:

This process can be expanded to store more numbers within numbers. However, keep in mind that Desmos numbers can only accurately store integers up to around .

Use Polygon .vertices (geometry calculator only) #

The Desmos Geometry Calculator exposes a variable, which contains a list of a polygon's vertices. By storing a list of 10000 polygons, each with 10000 vertices, you can effectively store 100 million points in a single list, or 200 million numbers. You can effectively store a list of lists too because of this.

Store Multiple Polygons in One Polygon (polygons only) #

If you need to store a list of more than 10000 polygons, there is a chance you'll be able to get away with storing multiple polygons in a single call to . They will have to be the same color and won't handle overlap very well, but this will work nonetheless. This works because splits up polygons with undefined values like .