

Welcome to my compendium of technological horrors and inane ramblings!

Desmos Plane

3D plane game that runs in Desmos Graphing Calculator

Raymarching Engine

A 3D renderer powered by distance fields. Supports realtime global illumination (that cool thing that raytracers do)

Voxel Life

A video showcasing variations of Conway's Game of Life in 3D.

Photorealistic Desmos Fractals

Photorealistic 3D fractals implemented within Desmos Graphing Calculator.

Nebula Fractals

The endpoints of 3D tree fractals, which seem to look like nebulae.

Control Freak

A game I made with my friend Will about controlling a tower defense game with too many controls!



Fractal Zoomer

Zoom into and explore various 2D fractals.

'Ducks' Fractal

A fractal renderer for a fractal known as the 'ducks' fractal.


LISP-inspired language that compiles to Desmos expressions

Divide and Conquer

Old, unfinished puzzle game I made in 2019 that I found randomly on my desktop.

Edge-replacement Fractals

Generate fractals (e.g. Dragon Curve) by recursively replacing sets of edges with smaller edges.

Free Bitcoin

Click here for free bitcoin!

Tree Fractal Maker

Create tree fractals in a browser.